What’s on your eyes dude !!!

December 7, 2007

This is the tag-line of the advertisement by Car Zeiss in India. Carl Zeiss the renowned lens-makers for professional cameras (both video and still photography) is using this tag-line to establish itself as an eye-wear brand. I’m a little surprised and amused at this.

I wear glasses (as is evident from my blog title), and at a lot of times have changed my glasses. Generally people who wear glasses are typically not fashionistas. The more fashionably inclined in-fact prefer not to wear glasses, they wear contact lenses. Nowadays the trend is to wear glasses that are thin and light. This makes the glasses sit easily on the nose and the ear without feeling heavy and leave no permanent black marks. What I’m trying to point, is that there is very little real estate to print or embed a brand name when it comes to glasses. I have tried (rather made futile attempts) to get noticed for my eye-wear. What I have come across is that hardly anyone admires or notices anything when it comes to glasses even among the spectacle wearing public. Occasionally what gets noticed, though, are the frame designs. Hardly does anyone admire the lenses. Though Carl Zeiss may be good lens manufacturer, I don’t think this strategy of imprinting their trademark on the lenses is going to increase their market share compared to its competitors like Bausch and Lomb. I also fail to understand the reason behind this branding exercise, as they are pretty well known already for their lenses worldwide.

Is it because Indians are getting brand conscious even when it comes to eyewear. ???. If a branded pair of lenses does get noticed please let me know, I shall buy one soon :-).